What are the best ways to Fix being shy and Paranoid
so one of the things i get told alot is "just ask Girls out" and the problem is Im so Shy and Paranoid that
Ethier 1. I'll get laughed at and it will spread like a wildfire
- I get in trouble for asking them out either If they are dating and i didn't know about it
OR i just Falsely accused of something heinous
idk this bit isn't very logical but paranoia rarely is.
or 3 Nothing like that happens they say yes and it turns out to be a dare
or 4 they say no and its just awkward for the rest of the year
best case scenario 5 they say yes and they actually mean it
idk mutliple times ive siked myself up to ask out a girl and i haven't I haven't asked out a girl ever :/ and im not sure unless i sort out my paranoia and shyness I might never :(
idk maybe its for the best i Do kinda Suck In multiple ways