I have lost so many students over the past 3 weeks, and I am sitting with huge spaces. Their subscriptions are ending and they are not renewing, but I also notice that bookings have dropped. Each week is getting worse and worse. In my 4 years with Cambly, NEVER have I sat with empty unbooked classes, even though my rating has been 4.99 for a while, in the past 3 weeks I noticed bookings became less, then suddenly my rating dropped in the past week, yet everything else is showing 100%, so that does not add up either. I am also getting Loads of NEW students who book and hold the class space for a week and then at the very last minute they cancel, screwing me over as I lose that time and no other student will book at that time as it is too last minute. I am averaging at least 4 or 5 of those per week. Anyone else experiencing this? I am honestly tired of this game.