So, Vanguard Zombies...
I clocked in an hour or so before work to see if I'd at least enjoy the new gameplay systems over Cold War. And I can honestly say I do, I really enjoy grinding for upgrades and the like during the game instead of upgrading them after the match is over. The new tier system is way better in my opinion, because I just always felt like hitting the box in Cold War Zombies was a waste of points until later rounds, being able to get PaP'd guns out of it now is pretty damn nice in my opinion.
I do also prefer the selection of guns - mutilated WW2 guns rock - and the atmosphere of Vanguard zombies. Quotes from the operators are also a lot better this time around, thankful Ghostface released for Cold War because sheesh if I had to hear EKIA again...
That's about it for the positives though. Der Anfang doesn't even have the exploration appeal Outbreak had. I wish we had at least gotten the Forsaken Arcade Nacht to mess about with in preseason, I think that would've been good enough fun to tide us over and it doesn't seem like it would have taken that much work but then again I've never been overworked by Activision. Also the grinding for upgrades is immediately invalidated by the fact the points system is even worse than Cold War's. Would've been great if we went back to BO4's damage-based points.
I'm a sucker who pre-ordered this game because of WW2 and Zombies. While I enjoy the Russian lady and the cool outfit you get, I really, REALLY wouldn't recommend buying this game for the Zombies. If not bad, it's just really dull, and I feel like the appeal will wear off very swiftly for Der Anfang.