Are there players running bots in this game?

I'm a 1400 rated player that plays classic, and I just ran across someone (username is daisies), and the way they were playing was crazy. I played a few games against them, and won the games, but the way they were playing was insane. A lot of the connections I would throw out were not that crazy to pick up on (i.e. they already had the entire cast list because it was the setup round/they used the lifeline, or it was something like name a single other Ben Affleck or Tobey Maguire or etc. movie) and they would SPAM out 10 movies in the 20 seconds allotted. No hesitation, no time for thinking, the second I would enter my movie they were spamming these out, it was like one movie every second. One time they couldn't even get out of the setup round without skipping when they were going first. They wouldn't pick up on REALLY obvious connections, but sometimes would pick up on really obscure connections.

I honestly don't even know what to think about it. If they are using a bot, it's crazy how bad it is. Not picking up on very well known and connected actors, but being able to instantly (and I'm talking within 2 seconds) name like a 14th billed character actor in something like 40 Days and 40 Nights is absurd. It's just baffling.