Will i pass 12th Boards This year 2024?

Hello I gave my 12th cbse boards from PCB Stream this year jumping on to exams English went well Chemistry did not knew anything but a friend of mine helped me and i copied some incomplete answers i dont know if they are correct or not filled up 13-15 pages and Out Of 16 8 Mcqs were correct also attempted 45 marks paper I wrote 2-3 marks correct answers from myself and copied the remaining paper 8 mcq+3-11 Marks Are Confirmed

This year physics was the toughest so wasnt able to solve any questions just copied the questions in answer style and filled up 12-13 pages out of 16 my 9 mcqs were correct

P.Ed Went Very Well

In Bio Though I Studied Still apart from Mcqs i got only 14-15 Marks Paper Correct and 6 mcqs correct(though I attempted every question neatly and wrote anything relatable about the topic) Filled Up 15 pages neatly Will i pass this year? I am being really stressfull about fear of failing