Fuck you for everything that you did
I’m so fucking pissed off man. Three fucking years of a relationship where she told she would be there for me trough thick and thin. I was there for her when you needed me the most but once it gets fucking hard for me you can’t?
Oh you need someone different. Go fuck yourself I gave you everything I fucking had for you, I was more vulnerable to you than any person in my life, I told you all my thoughts all my fucking secrets for you to just say oh I need someone else? The fuck is wrong with you why the fuck did you lie straight to my face for three fucking years?
I did everything you asked of me, every single thing, lost friends because of you, gave you love when it was hardest, stopped talking to certain people, changed who I am for you and still that wasn’t enough for you? You still wanted more and more no matter what I did. It was never enough but I had to be fine with you not changing when you did something I didn’t like, I had to give you time and my patience, why didn’t you give the same to me?
Then you say the love you gave wasn’t reciprocated and that now I’m not the right person for you, could have told me that three fucking years ago. I still love you more than you fucking believe but fuck you for everything that did to me.