Please talk me out of uninvesting

I live in the EU. Last September I inherited a large sum of money (not SUPER large but still relatively large by my country's standards) which I invested half in the MSCI World ETF and half in the S&P ETF. These are not my only savings and the goal is to just let them parked there and grow over the long run (15 years at least) to help me improve my future pension funds and retire early.

It's only been a few months but I can't deny I've enjoyed seeing the money just magically appearing in my bank account.

Now I'm pretty sure there's gonna be a monumental crash on Monday thanks to these tariff shenanigans. They aren't even part of a "natural" economic cycle. Part of me thinks that maybe I should withdraw the money now and reinvest it on like Tuesday or Wednesday and since I just started investing it won't cause damage. But then freaking out and selling as soon as the market goes down is the exact opposite of what r/bogleheads says to do. Plus I'd be paying taxes on the capital gains I suppose.

This is my very first psychological test since I started investing and I'm scared I won't be able to handle it. I don't want to leave the stock market altogether because there is nothing outside of it that will give me the same kind of returns while being safer. But I'm still anxious.