Ailment+ Duration Fix

Ailment By Player Former Duration Fixed Duration
Burn 2s -
Burn+ 2s 2s
Lacerate 2s -
Lacerate+ 2s 2s
Poison 2s -
Poison+ 2s 2s
Drain 2s -
Drain+ 2s 3s
Paralysis 2s -
Paralysis+ 2s 3s
Freeze 2s -
Freeze+ 2s 3s
Slow 2s -
Slow+ 2s ?
Weaken 2s -
Weaken+ 2s 3s
Confusion 2s -
Confusion+ 2s ?
Domination 2s -
Domination+ 2s ?

\2s/3s is the base amount for NA/SA, for SM is would be 5s/6s and on top of which you add debilitator*

Some data are missing, and some duration don't seem to have been fixed