Guys I think I was genuinely born with depression

I look back at my life and damn....sure, as a kid I enjoyed things more, but still...the void was always there. I was just born with a dark mind. Not dark as in evil, dark as in...dark.

I think I grew up feeling very little, and depression has been with me, like a water for a fish.

I think I always misunderstood depression as something that would take away your will to live, curiosity etc as I think it is for many people. I think that it's different for me.

I think I always really really wanted to live, had so much passion for life and curiosity yet my brain just does not want to, does not allow me to connect to life in the same way as others.

Technically speaking, it seems that my limbic system is off and I have lived on a different system, prefrontal cortex likely. Depression is something I always masked together with the rest. I lived in spite of it. I have lived with half of my brain, the other half dragging me down to hell.

I would be curious if other autistic people with the same kind of congenital issue have found meds that work for them?