Is the society becoming increasingly obsessed about personal finance?
I know this group is dedicated to finance, money, investments et al., so discussions about these topics are and should be the norm. However, I am curious, do you sometimes feel that we, as a society, have almost reached a new peak in terms of how we perceive personal finance and wealth to be more important than almost anything else in life? Also, is it conceivable that, at one point, personal finance becomes an unhealthy obession which not only drags down one's quality of life, but also makes one forget about other important values?
I am asking this question, because I sometimes feel this way. I also feel sometimes when reading some of the threads here, which range from celebratory to someone being straightout depressed, that often the undertone of some of these threads here is not very healthy or happy, even if the OP portrays it to be so.
What are your thoughts?