multivariate vs multiple regression
This is something confusing me for a while! Hope someone can help me a bit here.
For example my data is like this (n=130):
dv = as.numeric(-0.167, 0.960, 1.057, -1.128, 0.613)
iv1 = as.numeric(0,1,1,2,0)
iv2 = as.factor("H","L","H","H","L")
now if I run lm(dv ~ iv1*iv2)
, I assume my data is split into two groups since I have only two levels for iv2 to estimate the interaction term? However, if I run lm(dv ~ iv1)
or lm(dv ~ iv2)
, the coefficients and p-values are different than in the first lm.
Can someone explain why is this, or direct me to a reading material? Thanks a lot!