Egalitarian - not feminist

Is it bad that I (33 M) identify as an egalitarian and explicitly not a feminist? I mean, I sympathize with the feminist goals, but I also feel like, as a man, modern feminism has been hijacked by misandrists and doesn’t really encapsulate what actual feminism is.

Update: The response to this post and the seeming intolerance for nuanced views has hardened my resolve to not identify as a feminist and yet still identify as an egalitarian. I’m sorry that encompassing more people is seemingly offensive to you, but you’re only proving the point I’m trying to make.

Since feminism is just a subset of egalitarianism, I personally don’t feel bad. I’m proud to be an egalitarian and hold the same views that feminist do as well… and more.

Also, just to share, I think this thread has a lot to offer on this convo: