Anyone else feeling a deep sense of calm building since we started distancing ourselves from the United States?
This is new. It's unexpected.
But let's look at why.
Since World War II, we have been close allies with the United States. We fought side by side to stop a fascist menace festering in Europe and a cult-like Empire to the east. We sacrificed thousands of us, sometimes simply so that American interests could prevail. When the war ended we were proud to stand by them and create joint task forces for the security of North America. Contrary to modern American belief, we greatly helped them build the soft and hard power their own empire relied on for global dominance.
And since at least 9/11, I think, we've become more worried about our neighbour. Our once brother. We stood in unity after they were viciously attacked by terrorists from afar. We took in stranded Americans during the emergency. Empathetic, we sacrificed troops on an Afghanistan mission for them. We felt a need to help our closest neighbour, and we saw it through with security agreements that persist to this day.
They witnessed our empathy. Instead of feeling brotherhood and companionship we assumed, and a shared sense of duty to maintain the peaceful and orderly society we were trying to build, they saw a vulnerability. They slowly exploited it instead.
Over the course of the last quarter century, we have been taken advantage of more and more. The liberties taken become more and more bold. We presumed these things were done in the name of co-operation and progress. They took over more and more of our media. Insinuated themselves over our cultures. Attempted time and again to raid our markets with low cost, substandard goods. Pilfered our natural resources for rock-bottom prices. They've even lured some of our smartest engineers to Silicon Valley to create the propaganda networks they now use to try and undermine our democracy.
Then something funny happened. The fat orange manbitch they elected to rule them like a king stepped over a line. He said the quiet part out loud. Spilled the beans. Showed his hand. And instead of revulsion, from our once brothers, they laughed and laughed. His band of sexual predators and drug addled oligarchs parroted his words at us mockingly.
And then the outlandish, agreement smashing tariffs began. That sealed the deal. The spell broke. These aren't our friends after all. It may be some foolishness, some naiveté on our part, but at least we now know where everybody stands.
Which brings us to now. I've dropped all worry for America. Will it be attacked? Is it in trouble? What's happening with American healthcare? Are they descending into a fascism that will last a generation? What about the violence down there? What about the divisive, extremist politics? Should I buy American goods to support them?
All of that has become irrelevant, and I feel a huge weight of burden lift. A huge sense of relief that I don't have to concern myself with the human meat grinder they've made for themselves. Is there a school shooting today? Did someone massacre a Starbucks? Are they letting their children and elderly die in the streets?
Who the fuck even cares?
I'm focused on our own troubles, our own strengths. Our own politics. And with that I reject any of the demented trappings of division and wedge issues their warped media try to foist upon us. I'm focused on the beauty of this country, and it's economy and it's resources, and I've never felt more sure that we're going to be more than ok. I love Canada and I love Canadians. We're good people.
Dropped are the excesses, the decadence, the disposable culture. The frivolity of it all. The nihilism.
No matter what crazy shit they decide to try with us over the next few years, before Trump keels over and before Elon is found floating face down in a hot tub, we will be able to weather it together as Canadians. We will outlast them. We will re-kindle our relationships with allies that share our values. We will perhaps foster relationships with the inevitable splinter countries that we once called part of the United States. The California Republic. New York. Etc.
I feel, a huge sense of calm. I feel Canadian in a way I haven't felt in decades.
So anyway, uh, anyone else feeling this?
Edit: I note with some delight we're getting downvotes from Maple MAGA. Keep booing the patriots, it means we're on the right path!