Combat Ops us the most under-appreciated mode!

I play these solo because I'm into bondage and love fighting the Russians on my own with limited weaponry and loadout. Sometimes I'll drop 12-15 but man, they just keep fucking coming! Reinforcements seem to be more common since the latest patch. I love it.

Had like a platoon sized force just LIGHTING up the building I was hiding in. Bullets tearing through walls, grenades exploding shattering windows, eventually one grenade did make it through the window and killed me 😂

I took out a landed Russian transport helicopter in on RPG shot and like HALF THE FUCKING ARMY came looking for me, lol.

But yeah, I would strongly recommend putting down that Conflict for a little and giving it a shot either with buddies or go at it alone. Awesome game mode for a change of pace.

As always happy hunting guys.