ACNH FAQ and Helpful Apps

We’ve put together a list of helpful articles and apps to help with Frequently Asked Questions. Have a look through!

The First Week

The Second Week

Move Out Guide

*Nintendo Switch Online App* You can connect this to your switch and use it to chat in game while visiting others

ACNH Guide App

ACNH Planner App

How to hit a rock 8 times

Turnip Price Calculator

Time Travel



Flower Breeding

Trees This contains great information on why some trees won’t grow.



Animal Crossing FAQ

MeteoNook This is a great resource for always knowing what your island weather will be. However, it hasn’t been updated since the 2.0 update in Nov. 2021, and does not have all weather seeds. It has MOST weather seeds, but there are a few that aren’t there.

Rock Garden Help

Visiting NPC’s

Keeping Your Island Safe with visitors While this guide is written for the r/nofeeac community specifically, there is really good information here on keeping your island safe, as well as visiting etiquette.

Please note that we are not affiliated with any of these links, but they are great sources of accurate information.

If you see anything that should be added, or would help, let us know!