can iron deficiency/ anemia cause fluid retention?

i’ve had fluid retention on and off for years without knowing where it’s come from. at first, i thought it was my thyroid (hashimoto’s). but i’ve been properly medicated for a while now. then i thought it might be aftereffects from my eating disorder. but it’s been months since my last relapse. then i thought it might be linked to my menstrual cycle but it doesn’t appear to be limited to just one time during my menstrual cycle. all my hormones are ok too.

so since i’m still feeling like this and i’m anemic again (have been on and off for years) i’m wondering if there could be a connection between iron deficiency/ anemia and water retention. i’ve looked it up and there’s some information indicating there might be but i didn’t find much/ i got the sense this is mostly the case for ppl with severe, enduring anemia or ppl with pre-existing conditions like ckd which i don’t think i have. does anyone know more about this or has anyone experienced this?

(as a side note, i’d love to ask my doctor about this bc they should be more qualified but when i brought it up when this first started she told me water retention was a normal occurrence as you age and that it would only get worse and there was nothing i could do about it. which i don’t think was true bc i was like 25 at the time.)