Most communists/far leftists are either too stupid or too smart (roughly speaking, 99.9% - 0.1% respectively) the former is just a dumb victim, the latter however, is a capitalist overlord who is getting rid of competition
there's a motto in finance "if you want to buy a lot of something, shit on it first" this is what the smart communists do, this is why you see so many instances of self-proclaimed democrats/socialists living in luxury and/or doing all the things they are villainizing in politics, (having armed guards, producing a lot of carbon with their private jets, or eating a lot of meat, etc.) they are creating monopolies of power and pleasure by LARPing as leftists/communists,
these people are dangerous and you can't beat them in their own game, most of them are groomed into becoming the political personas you publicly see them as, some group of masons/'elites'/whatever (I have no idea tbh) has a big list and in that big list it has 'Biden family' or 'Harris family' for example and they already have models and plans for what to do with them, you probably don't want to hear this but Trump is most likely another instance of such groomed individuals, but that's besides the point
the only way to beat the smart communists is to do what they are doing but in greater numbers, which means more guns/more farms/more private property but for a bigger group of people, the goal is to make private individuals have more power than the state that's in the hands of these smart commies and their masters, then all options will be available, from American-style revolution all the way to economic independence and even coercion
everything else is meaningless, identity politics, demographics, the far-right (who also has a lot of stupid people and wannabee capitalist overlords preying on them, the so-called 'grifters') fails to understand that even if if you get a White ethnostate that's consisted of super chads, these chads are utterly useless if they are unarmed/have no private property/ lack capital and/or means of production, if you let the smart commies monopolize everything that matters, you are fucked regardless of the racial demographics of your nation, it's over
this should be the number one focus of everyone who's not a dumb communist/leftist, including classical liberals, socialists, etc.