I have hope again.

After years of hopelessness and retreat, the youtuber anark cohesively pieced together every critique I have ever had of society. Every exploration. All my research. De-colonial thought. Total pessimism. Every criticism of much of the western anarchist movement itself.

Yet when laid out into such a cohesive picture, a path emerges in front of you.

Built on the back of systems analysis, meta-science, and indiginous critique of the machine.

A new future presents itself.

Not only anarchist. But practical. Supremely practical. Arguably more practical than our current system.

You can find it here:

I'm floored.

For the first time, I see a future.
Beyond death.
Beyond apocalypse.
Beyond retreat.

Not some abstract theory.
But a meta-structure that could truely be the next eon of humanity.

Maybe I'm playing it a bit up. But I'm really emotional right now. I haven't had hope for so long. But spotting that light in the distance makes me see a potential future. Where we escape the machine.