AITA for not shutting up at night?

Apologies for any error, English is not my first language.

I’m(25m) an student living abroad in a house shared by 6 girls, one of them is subletting me her room for a semester, ending in just over a month.
When I got here we set a schedule of weekly housework and rules for everyone and I sort of let them decide, just asking about things that weren't clear, seeing as I'm here temporarily and didn't want to impose. Some rules looked a bit strict to me, as I know I'm not the most mindful person, but I figured it was good exercise to improve at that.
The girls have been nice and helpful, albeit not very welcoming, but after a couple weeks it became clear that conflicting sleeping schedule and very thin walls were causeing problems to the girl nextdoor, as she could hear me speak at night. I usually play online games with people from other countries and use this time to relax and catch up with friends, but she goes to sleep around 10pm while I'm usually up until 2am. I won't lie, I'm loud, so I understood her difficulties and agreed on trying to keep it down after 11pm.
Unfortunately, she had to come knocking at my door every couple of days to tell me she could hear me and couldn't sleep. It took me weeks to get down to an acceptable level (basically whispering) and still sometimes I forgot to lower my volume until she reminded me on the group chat we have.
This, coupled with some slip ups in the housework (forgetting the trash or some dishes that I had to wash) strained the relationship and made it so they all started to remark upon every single mistake I made: they got mad at me for baking a cake to apologize for the noise because I forgot that two of them don't like chocolate and took it as me making fun of them, I got scolded like a child for forgetting to turn off a light when I went out one night, they wrote me to shut up in the middle of the day while I was phoning my mother cause they were studying and could hear me from their rooms, and so on.
As time went by I stopped answering in the group chat and kept trying with varying success to be a decent flatmate, telling myself that in a month or so I won't have to live here anymore.
Tonight, a Friday, my neighbour came to tell me she was going to sleep at the usual time, but after a time she wrote on the group chat to "shut up! I can hear you whisper!". I shouldn't have answered, but I was so appalled that I couldn't stop myself from writing "???"
This started a discussion with the other girls, which basically amounted to them saying they were tired of being made fun of by me and that they were "5 all against me" and threatening to take measures like setting the wi-fi (which I regularly pay for) to turn off during night hours if I didn't behave.

I know losing sleep is very bad for you, I know I could've been more mindful and me being sorry doesn't make up for it, but I also feel like they're treating me like they think they're my parents, and mean ones at that. So, AITA?