I have genital herpes and would like to de-stigmatize it! AMA

READ FIRST: (28f) I’ve had it for about 2-3 years now and I’m at peace with it! There’s a lot of misinformation and poor education on it, so I’m here to make sure to provide you with the correct info. Edit: to clarify, the stigma around herpes isn’t just the physical effects of it, but it’s also the way carriers are viewed in society, which is one of the main focuses for de-stigmatizing. I didn’t know that people would automatically think that someone would try to de-stigmatize a disease by making it look like a good thing. From research, convos, articles, “de-stigmatizing herpes” is meant to include providing correct info about the virus AND to eliminate the view of carriers being “dirty” or “promiscuous”, things of that nature. Edit2: holy crap guys thanks for interacting with me and each other on this topic! It’s been pretty cool seeing everyone’s view on it. I want to make my post even more clear and just bluntly state that IN NO WAY AM I PROMOTING CARRIERS TO NOT NOT DISCLOSE AND SPREAD THE VIRUS. Also, if the same question has been answered a few times, I won’t be answering them anymore so please check before asking! Thank you c: