AITA I suggested that our daughter save her tooth fairy money versus spending it and that causing an argument with my wife this morning

This morning, my daughter lost a tooth, and I left her $5 from the tooth fairy. When she woke up and found it, I casually suggested that she put it in her piggy bank so she could start saving her money instead of immediately spending it. I even told her that we could take her to Claire’s and buy her some earrings ourselves if that’s what she wanted, rather than having her use her own money.

Apparently, that was the wrong thing to say. My wife immediately got upset and accused me of giving her parenting advice, saying that our daughter should be able to spend her money however she wants. I tried to explain that I wasn’t trying to overrule her but that I don’t want our daughter growing up thinking that every dollar she gets has to be spent the second she receives it. I believe teaching her about saving early on is important, and this felt like a small but meaningful lesson.

Instead of having a reasonable discussion, my wife got angry and turned it into an argument. What really bothered me was that she refused to even kiss me goodbye over something so minor, which makes me feel like this isn’t just about the tooth fairy money—it feels like a deeper resentment that’s coming out in small ways. To make matters worse, this argument happened in front of our daughter, which is something I strongly believe we should avoid. I don’t want her to see us fighting over things like this or to feel like she has to pick a side between us.

Beyond just this situation, I’ve noticed a pattern where my wife tends to turn small things into big ones. She’s very strong-willed (which I admire), but sometimes it feels like she sees her way as the only right way and that any other perspective is either wrong or a challenge to her authority. I don’t think I was being controlling or condescending—I was just making a suggestion. But instead of a conversation, I got shut down, and now there’s unnecessary tension between us.

So, AITA for suggesting that our daughter save her money instead of spending it?