AITAH for keeping a "secret" from my husband?
My (35f) husband (37m) and I have a mutual friend (30m), lets call him Ray, that we met through a hobby. We all became close, to the point where Ray confided in each of us, alone, about a few bad experiences he had when deployed. Me being a war veteran myself, could empathize with him. He asked each of us not to tell anyone, not even our spouse, in which I understood his request and took it as he didn't want us to talk about the reason he's so screwed up mentally, behind his back.
My husband spilled the beans the day after he was told, in which I "confessed" I knew about it as well. My husband got pissed at me for "lying" to him and not telling him. I explained that I didn't believe it was my story to tell and that he probably didn't want us talking behind his back.
So AITAH for not telling my husband about our friends personal war experiences after I was told?
I understand its only about 13 hours since I first posted, but it gained alittle bit of traction and some folks wanted updated on this.
A few things to clear up as I tried reading all comments, are as follows: 1. I/we (my husband and I) have never been under the impression that Ray has a thing for me, and this was his way to drive a wedge between my husband and I. 2. Ray came to me to help him fill out disability forms through the VA since I had already been through the ringer for physical and mental health issues sustained while I served. This is when he confided in me some things that happened when over there. 3. Ray's experiences did not endanger anyone while over there, nor did they impact anyone back home (no cheating, no SA, no stalking, no self-harm, etc.). They were things he experienced/felt/saw that have messed him up mentally and physically, that will be life long obstacles to deal with. If he confessed to me he had graped women, I would have absolutely went to my husband about it. 4. Due to recent circumstances that arose within our mutual hobby, we haven't spoken to Ray for a few weeks now, and he has essentially ghosted us as well. I wish him all the best with his choices he made and hope he can find the emotional and mental support in those he surrounds himself with.
I feel as if its a bit half and half of if I was the a-hole. I'm reading and understand many couples tell their SO everything. I guess we have to have such a talk about the expectation going forward.
I felt as if I made the right decision by not saying anything to anyone, even my husband. I hypothetically put myself in Rays situation, and I concluded that if I went to my BFF to tell her about drama or something going on in my personal life, i.e. drama with my mother, I would hope she wouldn't go to her husband and tell him all about it so they could discuss how stupid I am, or what I may be doing wrong. I figured her not telling her husband isn't hurting anyone. Maybe its just me being biased.
If there are any other questions, I'll try to continue to paint a better picture with answers. Thanks for all the insight everyone.