AITA for wanting my boyfriend to fix his sleeping schedule before I come visit him?

So my (25) boyfriend (20) often goes to sleep way later than me. Normally this is totally okay, the man needs his sleep, I can understand that. But we're long distance and I'm coming to visit him in two days, and currently he's been sleeping around four hours longer than I am. He tells me he'll go to sleep when I do, but doesn't, and stays up super late.

I'm worried that I'll be making the drive, getting everything ready, etc alone. I'm worried I'll go visit him and he'll be still asleep when I get there, and not come out because he still needs to get ready. When I brought this up to him this morning, I told him I'm kind of frustrated because he keeps saying he'll go to bed at a normal hour and doesn't, and that I'm scared he will sleep in. He brushed it off and told me that I shouldn't be upset. Aita for being kind of PO for this?

Update: we talked once he woke up today. I told him why I was upset and that it felt like he brushed me off. He told me he didn't mean to make it sound that way, and he'll do better and ensure that he'll be up before I get there on Friday by setting an alarm to be on the safe side. I wasn't saying it's a problem that he stays up or anything, I don't have a problem with his sleeping habits to begin with. It was mainly due to the fact I know he would literally wake up and open the door, and he has a bunch of stuff he's getting ready for me beforehand. I know he would be kinda upset if I showed up and he didn't shower or anything before I get there, and I want this trip to go well.

He isn't cheating, this man is so overly loyal to me and special. He gave me all of his social media accounts without me asking, and out of respect I don't sign into them anyways. He's introduced me to all of his friends, he knows all of mine, and everyone loves us together. This was just a conversation that needed to be had when he was further awake and less groggy, and he understands why I want him to fix the sleeping schedule only for the next couple days.

I don't mind if he sleeps once I'm there, he could even go back to bed immediately after I get there. I just want the first introduction to go well and it wouldn't have if he isn't awake and able to answer the door. Everything's resolved and I'm excited to see him Friday <3