AITA for buying a house without "consulting" my GF of 4 months?
I (37M) am a single dad with two kids (16M & 14M). I met my GF (32F) back in February. We dated casually and non-exclusively until September and then began dating exclusively. My GF has indicated that she wants to have kids, she has no kids currently. I am definitely open to that, but have told her only after dating at least a couple of years.
I have been looking to buy a new home. I absolutely hate living where I am living. I bought it when my kids were little and it was convenient then. But, my work is 30 minutes away and the boys' school is 45 minutes away. A house came on the market in a neighborhood 5 minutes from work and 10-15 minutes from the boys' school, and was listed well below market value. My realtor called me, I saw it that same day, and made an offer. The offer was accepted.
I told my GF the good news. She was less than thrilled. She asked why I did not "consult" her. I have been looking for about a year and the reality is houses go quickly. Often, not even on the market for a day if reasonably priced. I had to move quickly. I explained all this, but she is still upset.
I talked to my sister (34F) about this. She says she gets her frustration. My sister said that she was in the same position two years ago, she was a single woman in her early 30s looking to get married and have kids soon. In that two years, she met her husband, got married, and had a kid. So, from her perspective, my GF is thinking that this is the home her kids are potentially going to be raised in. I can see that, but I feel that it is a little premature to expect I will consult my GF of 4 months before buying a home. That is moving a little too fast from my perspective.