Trent and dementia

If Trent really has the brain of an 80 something year old and dementia runs in his family, there is a really good chance he can get early onset dementia within the next ten years. Dementia progresses so quickly, and he is already having memory loss. That's very sad for him and his family. Liz said she was thankful she had a baby before her father's condition worsened (not a good way to look at it), but what is true is that they should make the most of the time they have with Trent before it is too late. If he does end up having severe memory loss, they will be so thankful for the show and all the memories/video they have of their dad. Trent really needs to take it easy from now on, especially the eye problem he has. He has a lot of issues relating to sight, senses and memory. I hope this does not happen for a long time if ever, but he should really take it easy with working, doing handy work etc because stress and overworking yourself can cause dementia to come sooner than later. How badly did he hit is head and that often for it to be that bruised and gone? He really holds the entire family together.